Life Is Beautiful (from Covid19 to Pietrasanta, Italy)

La Vita è Bella sculpture was conceived during the lockdown in Italy .

I was so moved and inspired by the courageous work of the critical care doctors and nurses who were treating Covid-19 patients that I wanted to honour them.

Due to strict travel restrictions I was unable to get to my studio in Pietrasanta for almost three months so I sketched this and started work as soon as lockdown was lifted.

This is the making of it.

lavitaebella_lifeisbeautiful_victory_sculpture_anthonymoman The cool white bronze looks gold in a warmer lightLost wax process of la vita e bella or life is beautiful sculpture The red wax is the part of the lost wax process by which a duplicate metal sculpture (often silver, gold, brass or bronze) is cast from an original sculpture.La Vita è Bella or Life is Beautiful moulds are ready for another time Once the mould is made, the wax model is melted and drained away.The hollow core is created by the heat-proof core that prevents the molten metal from totally filling the moldLost wax process for La Vita e bella completed and now waiting for the mould to be brokenWaiting for the molten bronze to be poured into the mouldLa Vita è Bella is taking form The molten bronze is poured into the mould that was created with the red wax modelLa vita e bella new sculpture by Anthony Moman slowly reveals itself Little by little the sculpture La Vita e Bella is revealedLa vita e bella new sculpture by Anthony Moman slowly reveals itself La Vita è Bella is coming out of the mouldLa Vita è Bella (Life is Beautiful) victory over Covid-19 La Vita è Bella
(Life is Beautiful) 2020
White bronze on marble base
80 x 22 cm

“On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord ” Barack Obama